Minutes of Committee Meeting 19:30 2008-01-22, Tuesday



Phil Luckett (Vice-Chair), Peter Walsh [PW], John Turner [JHT], Jean Minshull [JM], Irene Dunstan [ID] Maria Webster


Apologies for Absence: Rose Heathfield, Colin Troy.


Items Discussed:


[PW] a potential new member has expressed interested. JHT to liaise with CT.


Noisy Neighbours (internal): Various neighbours of flat 134 have reported shouting and other noises late at night.  Freshwater to be contacted.


Jason (133) has written about rubbish in bin-wells: Is it Peter Porter’s responsibility to remove discarded electrical items and similar?  [All] agreed that it should not be and residents, particularly tenants who may not have been informed by their landlords, should be reminded of the disposal arrangements.  Some people do not seem to use the chutes at all.


Rats have been seen again.  Perhaps it is time for a new poster.


Major Works: Peter Viles (29) has written a long letter complaining of the standard of work.  It was agreed to pass it on to Freshwater with the comment that the Committee are not in a position to do anything about it now so long after the event.  For future works a system must be in place for prompt resolution of problems.


Committee roles [all] it was agreed that the Committee would continue for the remainder of the year with the Vice-Chairman assuming the role of Chair, assisted by other Committee members.


Date of next meeting:  March 17th 2008.


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