Minutes of Committee Meeting 19:30 2007-03-05, Monday



Christine Girolomini [CMG] (Chair)

Sally Gatheral [SG]

Peter Walsh [PW]

John Turner [JHT]

Chris Fraser [CF]

Jean Minshull [JM]


Apologies for absence: Irene Dunstan, Marie Wilkins


Items Discussed:


 Car parking: Nothing further to report.


Complaints from Mr Nichols: Mr Mott has forwarded copies of letters from Mr Nichols.


Site Improvement: Mr Mott reports that “investors are buying flats in twos and threes”


Repairs to damaged wall: we are relieved to see that the wall has been repaired without further delay.  There had been concern that the prolonged presence of a pile of bricks within, as it were, a stone’s throw of quite so many windows could prove to be too much of a temptation to drunken passers-by.


One-way Road Markings: still no progress.


Wheelchair users’ facilities: no change.


Membership: Several of us have been asked by residents “what is the point of being a member of RRA?  What do the committee do?”  We agreed to improve our publicity effort, including publishing minutes and inviting suggestions for agenda items.

Residents’ Party/BBQ: Agreed that we should fix a date as soon as we know when the garden is returned to us.

Schedule of Major Works: Balconies, paintwork etc. are still a cause for concern.  However, the meeting at Beeches with Messrs Beale and Mott (March 1st) had been encouraging.  The suggested material and design for balcony improvement looked excellent and we hoped other residents will agree.  When the scaffolding is up, the opportunity should be taken to install cables and clean windows.  TV aerials will have to be removed.  This may prove contentious with some people who may not wish to use a cable service.

Leases: JHT reported that the website www.lease-advice.org is extremely comprehensive and not for a five-minute glance.  SG said that the general principle was being simplified. The recommended procedure consists now, under the Lease Reform Act, of

·                     Get a surveyor to survey and value the property.

·                     Instruct a solicitor to serve a notice on the freeholder (Freshwater in our case) that the property’s lease is worth £x and that sum is one’s offer to purchase it.

It was agreed to include leases in next meeting’s agenda.



Next Meeting: Scheduled for Monday, April 16th 19:30


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